Unacceptable Behavior Outside Our Schools Yesterday

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Unacceptable Behavior Outside Our SchoolsYesterday, while waiting outside my school after dismissal, I witnessed an upsetting scene involving two adults using profanity and aggressive behavior.

This behavior is completely unacceptable in the presence of young children.

Not only was this language inappropriate, but it also attracted the attention of some young students who seemed to find it amusing.

This kind of behavior sends a negative message and can normalize conflict resolution through aggression. The same parents who create scenes outside schools are often the ones who bully school staff later.

This inconsistency shows a lack of understanding for the challenges faced by teachers and administrators. Let’s all commit to setting a positive example for our children.

When conflicts arise, let’s use them as opportunities to teach effective communication and problem-solving skills.I would like to suggest that parents:• Communicate directly with teachers and administrators if you have concerns.• Model respectful behavior for your children.• Help your child develop healthy ways to deal with frustration.

Concerned TeacherEzekiel

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