Parent Demands Immediate Action from Ministry of Education to Restore Order at All-Saints Secondary School

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room


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Dear Editor,

I am a parent with two children currently attending the All-Saints Secondary School one of which is in the upper school and the other in lower school.  I have two other children who have graduated from that once noble institution.  The All-Saints Secondary School is also my alma-mater

I am deeply concerned about current the state of affairs at the school.  When my two older children attended, their hair had to be neatly groomed.  My son’s hair was never plaited but always cut low. 

When I enquired as to why it is that the boys at the school were allowed to wear their hair in any way, I was told that the Director of education, Mr. Clare Brown sent out a release saying that the natural length of the boy’s hair should no longer be addressed.

This is because his sons who attend the St. Anthony’s Secondary School do not have to cut their hair. As a result, the boys of the All-Saints Secondary school attend school with some of them not even combing their hair.

When they pass me on the street in the morning, their hair is unkept, some plait, some loosed out, some boys with beads on the end some with dye in their hair.

It leaves me to wonder if there are no form teachers who check them in the morning.  My son who graduated two years again exclaimed “if Mr. Edwards was still the principal those boys would have to go to school looking very neat!”.

I even see students, boys and girls with their eyebrows sliced out.   Added to their hair being untidy, some students wear crocs, Birkenstocks and other slippers to school none of which is a part of the school’s uniform.

I stopped by for a meeting the other day and the school’s campus was in a deplorable condition.  There was rubbish strewn everywhere, and the grass was high in several areas of the school.

As soon as I stepped into the gate, I saw a pile of broken desks and chairs near the main entrance of the school. It was unsightly.  There are times when my child in the lower school complains that almost every day, they have to look for a desk and chair as the students purposely destroy the furniture. 

There were also three stray dogs on the compound. What confused me was that there were at least three groups of cleaners sitting around under trees just relaxing.

Another thing that bothers me is the lateness of both teachers and students. There are times when I would see students catching bus at 8:30 a.m.  

Many times, I see students walking up the road in droves at 8:30 almost 9:00, and they are still let into the gate.  Again, when Mr. Edwards was there, he stamped out the lateness by closing the gate shortly after the bell rang.  But now, they just walk in freely without any consequence. 

I heard recently that for safety reasons the gates cannot be closed. The teachers are also late, many getting there at 8:30 and after. My child who is in the upper school said most mornings their teachers do not show up to mark the register.

This next issue has terribly affected my two children.  My younger child does English B and my older, Theater arts. There is a teacher who seems to always be on sick leave. She teachers both of those subjects. Since first term my children have EX on their report card. Their grades have been exempted because the teacher is a no show.

My children’s form teachers can never answer as to when the grades will be added. The theater arts students have even missed one of their SBA’s.  It is my understanding that the teacher refuses to teach English B, so my child is without a teacher for that particular subject. The Spanish teacher for the lower form is absent sometimes and the library teacher’s absenteeism and lateness are are at the chronic stage.

What was most appalling was that I entered into a meeting with the principal concerning my child in the lower class, for the whole meeting, not once did he look up at me during the discussion. He kept his eyes on the computer and kept typing. I found this to be rude and impersonal and unprofessional to say the least. 

His only punishment for students seems to be suspension.  While I was waiting for the meeting I stood outside the office and I could swear it was break time. There were so many students on the corridor walking back and forth making noise and cursing bad words. Several teachers who were going to their classes just walked by as the students misbehaved and none of them even acknowledged that the children were cursing.  

I am very disappointed as to how the school is operating now.  There is a principal and two vice principals yet, there seems to be always mayhem on the compound. It makes me sad because when my two older children were there it is as if it is a totally different institution to now. 

There is no order, or respect. When I pick up my children in the afternoon many times there are students in the school busses even before the bell rings. Teachers even leave the compound while school is still in session. 

Can anything be done to save the school?  The institution is surely headed for destruction and the administration doesn’t seem to know what to do to get it back under control. 

I am calling on the Ministry of Education to intervene.  The teachers seem to have lost control because of mandates that have been handed down from the Ministry of Education. I am calling on Mrs. Mills, and Mr. Browne to better, and to demand better from the All-Saints Secondary school. I really do not want to transfer my children because I know what the school is capable of and what is has produced in my children and me


Miss. D. Simon /Sad and frustrated parent

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