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OPINION: Fathers, it’s time we take back our boys from Modern Day, Half Independent, no-need-no Man, Baby Mommas

20 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Antigua News Room.
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Fathers, it’s time we take back our boys from Modern Day, Half Independent, no-need-no Man, Baby Mommas. The uncomfortable truth is they are failing our Sons – and by extension our Daughters.

Women ‘cannot’ raise boys to be Men, the same way Homosexuals can’t raise girls to be Women. We have all grown silent and it appears that Fathers no longer have voices. Slavery and Jim Crow couldn’t separate the Black Family, but ‘FEMININISM’ succeeded.

    Whenever countries WIN  or LOSE Wars their Leadership accept credit for both cases. Children do not raise themselves and parents are ‘accountable’ for our childrens’ outcomes. It’s 3am in the morning, “Do we know where our kids are and with whom?”

This is why in the Black Culture when boys turn a certain age, we Fathers need to take them because Mothers can emotionally manipulate our sons. But since we do not live in our culture anymore, Mothers say and do whatever they choose by denouncing Fathers. Then they wonder why Blackmen don’t make good Husbands and Fathers. Mothers destroy sons, they can speak to them in certain ways that are irrepairable.

  If Mothers don’t allow Baby Daddies, Boyfriend, Brothers, or Husbands to lead boys, they’re going to grow more in their Mother’s direction and develop emotional tendencies by default. If Women are programming our sons that they are their everything versus teaching them that their Fathers are Superheroes and from whom they should idolize…then watch your work unfold negatively in life.

So no matter how tough Mothers think they can raise our sons, we Men produce egotistic traits and whenever that becomes bruised, our boys approach life’s situations from an emotional, reckless state as opposed to rational, solid thinking. This possess no logical morals or respect for the resolution required to gain control or peace for their problems.

 There is too many single-parent homes in Black Communities. Problematic children are usually derived from single-mother households. If Fathers aren’t in the homes, our boys will find their Fathers in the streets, then the Judge become their Mothers, and Prisons become their homes…hence, our youths are held hostage by street culture and social media platforms.

 Ladies, its not acceptable to be Baby Mommas, marry before you carry. Men ‘cannot’ give birth, Women control access to sex and who gets to be born.

You don’t leave your homes unsecured then complain about intruders entering and burglarizing your goods…so respect and protect your Wombs. Make better choices! And we Fathers need to be more proactive in the developing stages of our childrens’ lives as well.

While Gospel Music converts Heathens to Christianity, Duncehall Culture assists in promoting hate, criminality, and atrocious sexuality. Rich Entertainers enroll in or send their children to private schools, while their song lyrics put our children in Jails or even Morgues. Parents whenever unlawful footage of our children circulate on electronic devices by the Police for questioning, turn them in to Law Enforcement.

The same energy we invest to investigate our spouse’s infidelity, then we can apply those efforts to detect our kids’ shady behaviours. If we allowed our neighbors’ homes and businesses to be torched without alerting the Fire Department, then we would have eradicated our entire communities.

 We the sons and daughters of Antigua and Barbuda are compelled to take back our streets and freedom that our ancestors fought and died for. We are the benefits of their sacrifices and we should preserve it along with our youths for future generations. 

  Written by :

Melvin Bridgewater

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