Licensed firearm holder convicted and fined $7,300 for possession of ‘wrong type’ of ammunition

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Source Real News- A Clarke’s Hill businessman was convicted and fined for possession of ammunition after he pleaded guilty to the offence on Monday, June 3, when he appeared in the District “B” All Saints Magistrates Court.

Reports are that Maurice Maynard Percival appeared before Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel and pleaded guilty to the unlawful possession of 50 rounds of 9mm ammunition without having a firearm user’s licence for such ammunition.

Percival, 72, was arrested and charged for the offence, which reportedly occurred on June 1, at Clarke’s Hill.

Reports say the gas station owner was convicted and fined $7,300, which is to be paid in three months.

If he fails to pay the money in a timely manner he will spend nine months in prison.

The ammunition allegedly was confiscated and handed over to the Police Armory.

A source clarifies that the businessman is a licensed firearm holder; however, his permit is not for that type of ammunition.

Percival Front

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