LETTER: Pringle’s Election as UPP Leader: A Step Backward for the Party?

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep disappointment with the election of Jamale Pringle as the leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP).

While Mr. Pringle may be a good Member of Parliament, the role of a Prime Minister requires a distinct set of skills and experience that he simply does not possess.

In contrast, Richard Lewis would have been a far better candidate for the leadership position, given his superior qualifications and experience.

Pringle’s lack of eloquence is a significant drawback.

The position of Prime Minister demands someone who can articulate policies effectively and engage with both national and international leaders.

Unfortunately, Pringle falls short in this regard. His performance in parliament, particularly his questions to the Prime Minister, often appears amateurish. He recently asked the Prime Minister a series of “moronic” questions is parliament and ought to have known that the money would come from the consolidated fund.


In comparison, former leader Harold Lovell demonstrated a much higher level of competence and readiness for leadership.

The election of Pringle as UPP leader is, quite frankly, a bad day for the party.

It has emboldened the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) and made incumbent Prime Minister Gaston Browne seem even stronger. Most residents would feel embarrassed to have Pringle represent them on the regional stage, where he cannot match the eloquence and presence of other Prime Ministers.

It is disheartening to see that Pringle’s election appears to serve the interests of certain executive members within the UPP who wish to control him.

This does not bode well for the party’s future or its ability to challenge the current government effectively.

The UPP had a chance to choose a leader who could inspire confidence and present a formidable alternative to the ABLP. Instead, they have chosen someone who is, by all accounts, the least qualified within their ranks to take on this critical role.

Sincerely, Independent Thinker


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