First National Climate Outlook Forum to be Hosted in Antigua and Barbuda

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After getting hit with Hurricane Irma in 2017, Antigua and Barbuda is still recovering. It’s one of many countries that will need hundreds of millions of dollars to prepare for stronger storms and other climate impacts.

Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Service (ABMS) incollaboration with the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), will host itsinaugural National Climate Outlook Forum (NCOF) on June 4, 2024, at the Trade Winds Hotel inSaint John’s, Antigua, under the theme: “Enhancing Climate Resilience and Early WarningSystems”.Supported by the Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA) programme, theABMS NCOF represents a significant step forward in implementing the World MeteorologicalServices (WMO) Global Framework for Climate Services Programme at the national level. Thislandmark event aims to enhance climate resilience and adaptation efforts in Antigua and Barbudafostering dialogue and collaboration among the providers and users of climate informationgathered to discuss climate outlooks, forecasts, and strategies for climate risk management.“We are excited to host our inaugural National Climate Outlook Forum in collaboration with theCIMH,” said Dale Destin, Director of the Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Service. “This forummarks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance climate resilience andpreparedness in our country. By bringing together key stakeholders, we aim to foster a betterunderstanding of climate risks and strengthen our collective response to climate change.”Adrian Trotman, Head of the Regional Climate Centre for the Caribbean located at the CIMHunderscored the importance of collaborative efforts, remarking “This Forum provides anopportunity for collective action and knowledge-sharing among climate scientists andstakeholders. By fostering collaboration, effective strategies to mitigate the impacts of climaterelated risks faced by Antigua and Barbuda can be developed. This event demonstrates Antiguaand Barbuda’s proactive stance to addressing climate challenges and resilience building.” Hereiterated CIMH’s commitment to providing technical assistance and capacity-building initiativesto strengthen the development and delivery of climate services in Antigua and Barbuda, andacross the Caribbean region.European Union (EU) Head of Cooperation, David Mogollon, commented on the long-standingpartnership between the EU and Antigua and Barbuda. He expressed support for Antigua andBarbuda stating: “The European Union recognizes the importance of regional and nationalforums in addressing climate challenges. We are pleased to support Antigua and Barbuda in thisendeavour and look forward to the outcomes that will contribute to the broader global climateresilience agenda.” He also congratulated CIMH and commended the ongoing work by theInstitute to strengthen capacities to address the impact of climate change. He remarked on howthese efforts build on other ongoing collaborations in the region between the organization andthe EU, in building national and regional level climate resilience.The inaugural National Climate Outlook Forum in Antigua and Barbuda will bring togethermeteorologists, climatologists, and stakeholders, including policymakers, academia, communityleaders, and representatives from climate-sensitive sectors. The event will feature presentationson climate science, seasonal forecasts, and climate projections tailored to the needs of Antiguaand Barbuda. Breakout sessions focused on priority sectors such as agriculture and food security,disaster risk reduction, health, water resources, energy, and tourism. These sessions will provideparticipants with opportunities to exchange knowledge, share best practices, discuss sector-specific challenges and opportunities for climate adaptation and resilience-building, and exploreinnovative solutions to address climate-related challenges facing Antigua and Barbuda.

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