Defreitas Launches Nonprofit Organization

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room
All rights reserved 2015

Defreitas Launches Nonprofit Organization To Promote A Strong, Inclusive, Sustainable Community

Franz deFreitas today announced the launch of a new nonprofit organization, City South Municipal Foundation Inc., incorporated in

Antigua & Barbuda.

This organization will serve as a catalyst for restoration, development, transformation, and empowerment of the citizens and residents of City South and by extension Antigua and Barbuda.

City South Municipal Foundation Inc will undertake programs in the general areas of Economic development. Sports. Arts, Social development. Entrepreneurship. Health & Wellness, Education, Infrastructure Development and Youth development to name a few.

“We are engaging our community now to set residents up for success in the long run,’ We have to all have a vision for a better more sustainable community and work towards it with innovative programs that reach residents where they are Franz deFreitas will serve as Executive Director of City South Municipal Foundation

Inc. and will lead the charge to make the lives of residents in the community better.

“When communities are built to help people thrive, our nation thrives”

Today’s announcement brings additional structure to the work that deFreitas has

already been doing in his community and opens up opportunities for more residents

across all demographics and socioeconomic levels in City South and the nation

For more information about City South Municipal Foundation Inc. contact us

at [email protected] or call 2687750775.

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