Attorney-General and Browne Administration Criticized for Ignoring Prison Reform Recommendations Amid Corruption Allegations

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Real News: The attorney-general and the Browne Administration are being chastised forfailing to implement recommendations laid out in the Prison ReformCommittee’s report on alleged corruption at His Majesty’s Prison (then HerMajesty’s Prison). The report, submitted since 2020, unearthed serious allegations againstparticular prison officers and highlighted the harsh treatment being metedout to inmates.

It also accused the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs of beingaware of quite a number of the problems plaguing the prison – but doingnothing to address them. Less than two weeks ago a prison officer was caught attempting to smuggledrugs into the facility where he works.

He was arrested, charged, convicted,and sentenced to two months at the place where he once worked as a guard. Referring to this incident, Leon Chaku Symister, the United Progressive Party(UPP) spokesperson on legal matters, says this sort of breach will continue totake place if those in charge are abdicating their responsibilities.

 Had the recommendations made by the Prison Reform Committee beenimplemented, Symister says this recent incident could have been avoided. Andif the proposals are seriously put into operation, he says, things will change at1735.

The Committee had recommended a complete restructuring of the penalfacility’s operations, referencing political interference with the administrationof the prison among other shortcomings.

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