PRESS RELEASE: Richard Lewis Denies Rumours and Continues Fight for Good Governance

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Richard Lewis Denies Rumours and Continues Fight for Good Governance

I, Richard S. Lewis MP, categorically deny and condemn the latest round of baseless propaganda circulating in the media.

For the record:

1. I am not in negotiations with anyone to leave the UPP or to relinquish my position as MP for St. John’s Rural West.

2. I am not in negotiations with anyone for any ambassadorial role.

3. I have no interest in running on the ABLP ticket.

4. I am fully committed to representing the people of St. John’s Rural West on the UPP ticket.

5. I will continue my fight for good governance in Antigua and Barbuda, and will not bow to any pressure to do otherwise.

Those who have eyes to see will know that I have been unrelenting in my focus on the issues which affect our people – from the Gaston Browne Administration’s broken promises on taxes and the cost of living, to the unrelenting scandals and squandermania, including Government’s Friar’s Hill property deal with Gaston Browne III.

I have even been heavily criticized for my focus on certain issues such as the Public Accounts Committee, where answers are not forthcoming, and the Gaston Browne Administration appears to be “getting away with murder”.

I wish to assure the People of Antigua and Barbuda that no one – absolutely no one, inside or outside the ABLP, will ever compel me to “ease up” on addressing the wrongdoings of the ABLP Administration.

I remain committed to upholding my obligation of service and integrity to the Antiguan and Barbudan people, and to the people of the St. John’s Rural West constituency.

Richard S. Lewis MP

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