Local News

LETTER: “Rebuilding Our Standards”

21 March 2025
This content originally appeared on Antigua News Room.
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By: Man from Cedar Grove

Dear Editor,

What happens when the three most powerful institutions in any country, nation, society,and community are corrupted and compromised? What happens when the family, church, and government in any country, nation, society, or community is weighed on the scales of righteousness, justice, and moral decency and found to be lacking? I can tell you what the result is! It is the quick erosion of critical standards that makes the family, church and government strong pillars in society and a refuge in adverse times.

In recent years, months, and now days, our country has witnessed and experienced both mysterious and heinous crimes that have sent shock waves throughout the nation. Fear has gripped the hearts of many as human life becomes a substance of trade, trafficking, and sacrifice. No one is exempt or off limits, so it seems! It appears that we have welcomed and unleashed evil and sinister forces clothed in human flesh against the souls of the virtuous, innocent, and ignorant. Evil has not only visited our shores but has also been given legal grounds to stay and operate. Now we can hear the cries of families and friends throughout the land. It’s a cry that goes beyond the pains of loss! It is a cry for us to return to the standards that hold a nation together; morality, justice, righteousness, etc.

Hence, when will we as families return to the discarded values and morals of the past? Where are the parents who are committed to raising their children in the fear and admonishment of God? Where are the families that understand it takes a village? Who and what is pioneering the next generation? Where are our standards? What have we compromised and corrupted morally and spiritually that is robbing our children of their current and future potentials? It is time for the family to return to its values and roots;engaging wisdom to navigate these unprecedented times

Next, when will the Church realign herself fully with the true purpose for her existence? Where can we find a church that knows, remembers, and practices its mandate to build and expand the Kingdom of God; instead of advancing its status on social media void of the power needed to transform its society? Where is the Church? Where is the praying church? Where is the church that will turn the world around it “upside” down with the gospel? Where are her standards of truth, righteousness, holiness, and justice? The Body of Christ is the only authentic force to deal with the evil that has come to our shores. Today we need the Church to rise to her rightful place of influence and guidance in this Country.

Which brings me to our elected officials. When will politicians and governmental leaders return to their assignments as elected officials? Where are the elected officials whocannot be bought with power, money, and sex? Where are the government leaders that understand and practice the dynamics of servant leadership to fulfill their duties as public servants? When elected officials trade their dignity and integrity for power the Will of the people gets lost in the transaction. And the nation becomes like a city without walls, where evil is permitted to run rampant with no accountability or sustainable consequences. Where are the standards that will secure justice for all?

I know it seems like there are more questions than answers; but in my view, it will always be that way until these three powerful institutions find a way to coexist and work together for the good of the people and the nation. Remember a three-stranded chord is not broken easily! When the family, church, and government are working together it increases the natural safety and spiritual security of the people. In such cases, evil and wickedness are kept in check, while standards for justice and righteousness are implemented and practiced to exalt the nation!

His Servant,

Man from Cedar Grove

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