LETTER: May Day, May day !!- Dear Captain Pringle

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

May Day, May day !!

Dear Captain Pringle

Our UPP political ship has been hit by a double whammy which include 1. Lack of confidence in your leadership skills and 2. The fierce attack from our enemy headed by their astute captain Gaston Browne.

Our political ship has now fallen on a reef and is fast sinking. Please captain Pringle, I beg of you to tell us what to do. It is a very serious position that we have found ourselves in. We need help. Perhaps, a Devine intervention is needed immediately……

Now captain Pringle, if you & lieutenant Pringle can not find an answer, I can assure you, that myself and a few more members like Brixtonian & others will also be jumping ship, to ensure our political lives & reputation are saved.

The last roll call I took, the following crew members were no  longer onboard  our UPP ship.

Elston Adams……………..… jump shipGregory Athill ……………..… jump shipLamming Newton ………….  jump shipMalayka parker ……………… jump shipAmbassador Goodwin…….. jump shipColin Browne ……………………… jump shipColin Derek ……………………… jump shipAnthony stuart …………………….. jump shipJoanne Massiah ………………….. jump shipDean jonas …………………………. jump shipWinston Williams …………………. jump shipWimoth Daniel …………………….. jump shipMervyn Richards ………………….. jump shipDr. Phil more Benjamin ………… jump shipDr. Errol Cort …………………………  jump shipJohn Maginley ……………………….. jump shipHilson Baptiste ………………..……. jump shipChanlah Codrington ………………. jump shipPastor Clephane Roberts ……… jump shipDr. Edward Mansoor ……………… jump shipDonna Chaia …………………………. jump shipTrevor Young……………………….. jump shipKieron Simon……………………….. jump shipChaniel Imhoff……………………….. jump shipLenworth Johnson……………………… jump shipLuther Lee……………………….. jump shipAnderson Carty……………………….. jump shipElmore Charles……………………….. jump shipBishop Dorsette……………….. jump shipChevaughn Benjamin   ……. jump shipAnthony Smith …………….  jump shipSean Bird ……………..    jump shipArif Jonas  …………. jump shipDemani Tabor ………  jump ship

Captain Pringle, I am sure there are many more members who have jumped our ship that I have overlooked. Bear in mind that I did not include the young crew members who recently join our crew and now has jumped ship also. It certainly does not sound good or good look neither. Please captain Pringle tell us what to do……


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