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LETTER: I think I have reached my breaking point with SLBMC

08 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Antigua News Room.
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Nurses during 2018 protest/File Photo


As a nurse for over a decade, I think I have reached my breaking point with SLBMC. The most recent posts have been geared towards the matron but that’s not the peak of our problem as nurses.

The most problem my colleagues and I are having is with the ward supervisors and departmental Managers.

When I say they are the worst and they are also responsible for nurses leaving the hospital. We are afraid to speak out because when you do, you are labeled as a bully or being disrespectful.

It will also reflect in the way your duty is written. You would be denied requests while the nurses who kiss their ass get every single request.

Other issues we are facing includes: being denied vacations and given the excuse of staff shortage while another nurse gets to go on vacation because they are close with the supervisor.

Let me get on the topic of professionalism because these sisters love to talk about being professional when they lack it, how is sitting at the nurses station discussing staff with clerks and other staff members professional? How is arguing with staff  professional?

How is critiquing a few staff members who actually do what they suppose to do but allow other nurses to get away with non sense.

Such as: leaving the ward for hours at a time knowing we are short staffed, giving a nurse incentive days they are not owed, allowing the nurse to go on multiple vacations when other nurses have not been on vacation as yet. And we can’t dare say anything about it because the ward sister will go to the matron and ask her to have you moved to another ward.

This is why the hospital is the way it is and patients are not getting the care they deserve because if a nurse works well on a ward and the ward supervisor don’t like that nurse, the ward supervisor will make lots of complaints to the matron and the matron will put the nurse on change list while other nurses who are not very proficient gets to stay on that ward.

That’s how bad and unprofessional some of these sisters are, that they will be willing to let go of good nurses because their egos are not being stroked because their ass are not being kissed.

But as for now we can only air our grievance to the media because we have no other outlet.

We are fed up and cannot change a rigged highly flawed system. So all we can do at this point is to vent. That’s what it has come to, venting on media because we are afraid of backlash if we talk.

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