Independent MP Asot Michael Backs Anti-Gang Bill, Commends Government’s Bold Move in Crime Crackdown

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Independent Member of Parliament for St. Peter’s, Hon. Asot Michael, gave an impassioned endorsement of the Anti-Gang Bill 2024 during parliamentary debate, praising the government’s bold initiative to combat gang violence.

Michael, the only truly elected independent MP in the Parliament, took the opportunity to cross political lines and commend Prime Minister Gaston Browne and Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin for their courage in bringing forward the landmark legislation.

Michael stated, “Crime knows no political color, creed, class, race, or gender.” He highlighted the fact that tackling the growing scourge of gang violence requires a unified approach, one that transcends party politics.

His support for the bill signals a rare moment of bipartisan cooperation in Antigua’s parliament, where political divisions are often sharp.

The MP recalled the public outcry over recent acts of gang-related violence, which has shaken communities and spurred demands for stronger measures from the government.

“Each time a gang-related act of violence makes the news – and it happens far too often – the frustration, the fear, and the anger of our people are palpable,” Michael said, echoing the sentiments of many who have felt unsafe in their own neighborhoods.

Michael noted that while he supports the bill, he believes there is still room for improvement, emphasizing that this is a pivotal moment for Antigua and Barbuda to get the legislation right. “We need to get it right this first time. While I support the bill, I am clear that it needs to be improved if it is to be an effective tool in the fight against criminal gangs,” he stated.

The independent MP’s backing of the Anti-Gang Bill comes at a crucial time, as the government seeks to implement stronger laws to combat organized crime and restore safety in communities.

Michael’s support adds weight to the argument that the bill has the potential to make a significant impact, provided that key revisions are made before its final passage.


During the debate on the Anti-Gang Bill 2024, Independent MP Asot Michael voiced strong reservations about the bill’s provisions concerning minors. Clause 17 of the proposed legislation, which treats minors involved in gang activities as adults, became a focal point of Michael’s critique, as he warned that such measures could be counterproductive and detrimental to youth rehabilitation efforts.

Michael argued that treating minors as adults under the law not only contradicts international treaties that Antigua and Barbuda have signed but also undermines efforts to rehabilitate young offenders. He cited the lack of sufficient rehabilitation programs within the country’s penal system, particularly pointing to the state of the Boys Training School, questioning its effectiveness in helping young offenders reintegrate into society.

“Treating minors as adults is harsh and counterproductive, as it undermines rehabilitation efforts for young offenders,” Michael told Parliament. “What we are doing with this bill is potentially locking minors into a cycle of criminality due to harsh penalties rather than offering them a chance to reform. This approach will lead to long-term negative social effects.”

Michael called for a more compassionate approach, where young offenders are given the opportunity to reform through education and rehabilitation rather than being subjected to adult criminal sentences. He emphasized the need for the government to balance punishment with prevention and rehabilitation, ensuring that minors are not lost to the cycle of crime that the bill aims to prevent.

Drawing comparisons with other jurisdictions, Michael pointed out that countries like Jamaica and the Bahamas have struck a better balance between penalizing those involved in gang activities and protecting minors from overly harsh sentences. He urged the government to reconsider Clause 17 and craft legislation that both addresses the gang problem and offers hope to the youth who are often the most vulnerable to gang recruitment.

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