Association says heatwave partly to blame for the increase price of eggs

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The Layer Farmers Association says various factors, including heat stress and rising operational costs, have contributed to the decision to increase egg prices.

“Once the birds encounter any type of stress, it interrupts their laying pattern, causing a reduction in production,” the association said This drop in productivity can result in farmers collecting only half of their usual daily egg output, or sometimes even less.

The association say after any period of reduced productivity, it takes time for the birds to gradually return to their normal laying rates, impacting the overall supply of eggs.

In addition to these production challenges, the director highlighted the impact of a recent 2% increase in Antigua and Barbuda’s sales tax, which has an 8% effect on farmers.

To address rising costs, the association suggests that relief on taxes and duties related to food production, particularly on utilities and the construction or maintenance of coops, would help keep egg prices lower.

The Layer Farmers Association remains open to dialogue with the government to explore ways to keep egg prices manageable for consumers while ensuring farmers can maintain their operations.

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