Antigua PM and Bar Association clash over criticism of the judiciary

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room
Gaston Browne Throne Speech photo

SOURCE: LOOP NEWS- The Antigua and Barbuda Bar Association and Prime Minister Gaston Browne are at odds over comments made by the Prime Minister criticizing the judiciary’s approach to bail and sentencing in gun-related cases.

About two weeks ago, Browne expressed frustration with what he perceives as lenient sentencing and bail practices, particularly for repeat offenders involved in gun crimes.

In an official statement made today, the Bar Association cautioned against undermining public trust in the judiciary, emphasizing the importance of the separation of powers.

They stated, “The courts are bulwarks of our Constitution and laws, and public officials must be careful not to undermine public trust in the judiciary.” The association also urged public officials and citizens to “fact-check and be armed with all relevant information” before criticizing the judicial system.

Prime Minister Browne, however, responded forcefully on Facebook, dismissing the Bar Association’s statement as “idiocy” and asserting that “the judiciary is not beyond reproach.” He criticized what he called “weak knee” apologetics, accusing them of “giving comfort to criminals” at the expense of public safety.

Browne defended his stance, stating, “If you want respect from the people, institute stricter sentencing and work with law enforcement to deny bail, when these criminals represent a threat to the society.” He characterized his approach as “fearless leadership” rather than autocracy, emphasizing his commitment to addressing crime and violence, which he described as “a public health epidemic.”

The Prime Minister concluded his response defiantly, saying, “I said what I said. Come for me!” This exchange highlights the tension between the government’s desire for stricter measures against gun-related crimes and the legal community’s concerns about maintaining the integrity of the judicial system.

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