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The Labourites need an open apology from those members who have cut ties with UPP & are now showing interest to join ABLP

18 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Antigua News Room.
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Dear PM

During the 2014 election, I decided to take a chance and give the Labour party my ” X ” . As the years passed by, I realized that  it was the best decision I had made. To this day, I have no regrets, hence you have earned my confidence & my greatest respect for the leadership qualities that you have displayed.

According to the cliché, ” The proof of the pudding is in the eating “.  The country’s development & your astute representation on the local, regional & international stage is definitely enough to show that you have surely proven your worth. Without any cheese in my mouth, I can clearly say that my ”  X  ” has not gone to waste.

For the 10 years that ABLP has been in office, you & your administration have absolutely transformed the socio-economic landscape of our beautiful twin island state. The citizens & residents alike, are now enjoying a middle class & upper class society life style, with only a very small percentage of persons who are living within the poverty range.

With that been said, flipping over to other page, I must express that I have taken serious umbrage with you welcoming onboard the Big Red Machine, the members who have cut ties from UPP, without getting from them,  an open public apology for the hurt, lies and the venomous attacks done to you & Sir Lester Bird, as the nation’s leaders and the Labour party administration.

Of course Sir, it is true that we are living in a democratic society and hence, each citizen & resident has the right to vote & support the political party of their choice based on their own conviction.

However, it beats the hell out of me that  persons who for a number of years have been your political enemy and who have been extremely bitter & disrespectful towards you and your administration can suddenly switch allegiance and be welcomed into the ABLP family, without an apology to the Labourites, like an innocent new born baby just coming into the world.

Just like the unrighteous who makes a conscious decision to repent and to ask for forgiveness before becoming a member of the Christian fold, the same should apply to these former members who are now switching allegiance and are showing interest to be a part of  ABLP. Their motives for making the change can be discussed at a later date. A man’s face can be seen but it does not determine where his heart is.

Yes, numbers matter within the political circles. But quality should be important than quantity. The people of Antigua & Barbuda & moreso the members & supporters of ABLP have been disrespected to the highest degree from these persons who were once seen as the Labour party’s political enemies.

A public apology is needed.  Let us not forget that they were part & parcel of your political opponents who were condoning1. The accusation of Sir Lester Bird, the nation’s chief servant back then of  having an affair with a minor ….. A BLATANT LIE!2. The accusation of Sir Lester Bird of derogatively calling Antiguans and Barbudans tribes…… Another BLATANT LIE!3. The beating & kicking of efigees of Sir Lester Bird, the then nation’s prime minister ….. TOTAL DISRESPECT!4. All the derogative & insultive things they have said about you … NO RESPECT5. The laying off of 91 Labour Party workers from  the port…… HEARTLESS!6. Calling of our Senior citizens RAG TAGS… DISRESPECTFUL!

Furthermore, Let us not forget what was also said from the esteem Doctor that the works of the Labour party should go into the Dust bins of history. They also hope that death had beseech some of the ABLP political stalwarts. It was absolutely HURTFUL to the core.

How worst could it have gotten? All these actions had shed a bad light on the country.  I can appreciate that these persons have now turned over a fresh political page but like a repented sinner they all need to apologize openly to the Labourites before becoming a part of the Labourites family.


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