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LETTER: Let’s give Gaston Browne his flowers while he is alive

05 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Antigua News Room.
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Gd mrn ANR.  Please post on your portal. Thanks in advance!!Dear Editor

Undoubtedly, Antigua is definitely a gem in the Caribbean and it is not by accident that the Hon Gaston Browne has being elected as the leader of this beautiful country.

Infact, I would dare say that it was by devine intervention during the country’s last election that allowed him to become prime minister, of which I think he well deserved.

Since 1981, our country has witnessed 3 heads of state from the Labour Party and each head has displayed their own leadership style of accomplishing their goals towards the development of our twin island state.

The Hon V C Bird, the Father of the nation, started off by acquiring lands from Moody Stuart,  installing water pipes and  replacing sugar cane with tourism as the main source of revenue towards the nation’s GDP.

The Hon Lester Bird subsequently, transformed the landscape to a modern Antigua, focusing on the port of entries and introducing Heritage Quay as a duty free shopping plaza for the tourists

The Hon Gaston Browne has now taken it to the next level.  He is now transforming the nation into an Economic Powerhouse. So far, we have seen under his tenure, 2 international airports been furnished. One in Antigua & the other in Barbuda. The upgrade of the sea ports & Heritage Quay to accommodate Megaton ships. We have also seen hundreds of climate resilient houses  been built. Several advance medical procedures has also been introduced including laparoscopic procedures & kidney transplant at SLBMC and the construction of a university offering higher tertiary education. Of course the list can continue.

Kudos must be given to all 3 leaders but PM Browne in my view stands out to be the best. It would be remiss of me if I do not give him his flowers now. So, here is a tribute in poetry to the Hon Gaston Browne …

As I look back from where this nation came fromAnd seeing the strides it has made under ABLP.I am concluding that political parties like the UPP Should be dumped in the bins of our political history.

There’s no doubt that ABLP is a great institution, With Gaston Browne at the top;He is not only a force to reckon withBut a force, his opponents cannot stop.

It is from the bowels of poverty,  PM Browne came from;And has elevated his way to the ‘ UN ‘;His speeches has earned him standing ovationsAnd has given global recognition to this nation.

Undoubtedly,  PM Browne is a great leader,Among his peers, he stands out to be the best.His detractors and haters cannot match himNeither are they qualified, to put him to a test.

Certainly, God has blessed him with some immense qualities,Such as a foresight and an impeccable vision;With these qualities he is taking us to next levelAs he empowers the residents of this nation.

So let’s join in solidarity and be vigilantAnd pray that God continues to bless him;So that he will have the health & strength to lead this country For many many more years to come.


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