AG mulls mandatory 5 year prison sentence for gun crimes

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Antigua and Barbuda Government Announces Tougher Crime Measures

Antigua and Barbuda’s Public Safety Minister, Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, has outlined a series of stringent measures aimed at restoring safety across the nation.

Minister Benjamin emphasized the need for harsh laws to effectively address the escalating crime situation.

“We must meet the situation as it presents itself. I shall not shirk my responsibility,” Benjamin declared, underscoring the government’s firm stance on crime. His comments echoed sentiments expressed by Prime Minister Gaston Browne in a national address earlier this week.

As part of the government’s resolute response, Minister Benjamin announced increased penalties for gun-related offenses, including a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years.

“This is no joke. Antigua will return to being a safe country for all of us to live in,” he stated, stressing the seriousness of the administration’s commitment.

In addition to harsher penalties, the government will implement day and night stop-and-search exercises and increase police presence in crime hotspots. These measures are intended to deter criminal activities and enhance public safety across the island.

Minister Benjamin also highlighted a concerning trend: the involvement of young people in criminal activities. “Our records show that they are responsible for over 85% of the crimes being committed in the state,” he noted. To address this issue, the government is preparing to introduce anti-gang legislation aimed at curbing the growth of gangs in various parts of the country.

The proposed legislation will target areas identified as gang hotspots, including Villa, Ovals, Grace Farm, Golden Grove, and Browns Avenue. The minister assured the public that programs will be put in place to arrest the growth of gang activities in these regions.

Minister Benjamin also expressed gratitude to citizens who have been cooperating with law enforcement by providing valuable information. He emphasized that the police are committed to protecting themselves while carrying out their duties, especially when confronted by armed criminals.

“If the police are doing their duties and any person has a firearm and those persons fire on the police, the police will be duty-bound to defend themselves,” Benjamin affirmed.

The government’s new measures reflect a firm commitment to restoring peace and safety in Antigua and Barbuda, signaling a tough stance on crime that will be enforced with decisive action.

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